The Making of "Well Behaved When Balanced (A Supplication)"

Work in progress: Image 1 Supplication Work in progress image 2 - Supplication Work in progress image 3 - Supplication Work in progress image 4 - Supplication Work in progress image 5 - SupplicationWell-Behaved When Balanced (A Supplication)Well-Behaved When Balanced (A Supplication) in a room setting

I started working on this piece when the Amazon forest fires made the news in August. I was in the midst of working on a series, but felt compelled to make some kind of statement about the state of our world, so I put one canvas aside, and placed a fresh one on the easel. There was a quiet, focused, and critical energy driving my brush. Not desperation, but some kind of plea; the kind of motivation that drives one to work throughout the night. The following few days solidified the direction.

Some years ago, when my daughter was little, I was "organizing" botanical objects, some feathers and other natural finds into entities. You can read about it here.  I created a work called "Elements". We had collected seed pods, full of potential life and created the Quintessencia, or a space that contains basic elements, or a primordial "mother". 

This entity was back. Perhaps, I had summoned it, or it had summoned me. There is a gratefulness in this piece; a reminder of powerful forces, and a sense of awe. As the maker of this painting, I felt the disconnect between man and his environment and implored revealing the interconnected state we all share.


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